Frequently Asked Questions

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Does Raw really mean raw ?

Yes, the meat is uncooked. Doesn’t raw food make dogs sick? It is very unlikely. Dogs match the DNA of wolves at 99.98%. Dogs are members of Canis Lupus. They are carnivores with big pointy teeth meant for tearing and ripping. While they could get salmonella or Listeria, it’s very uncommon. Their guts have a PH level of around 1% which makes their belly very acidic and many bacteria that you and I would be susceptible to just don’t affect dogs. Since our journey on raw food began, our dogs have never been sick from their food.  

There is always a risk of handling raw meat for humans. We are susceptible to salmonella and must exercise good hand washing and cleaning practices whenever handling raw meat.

How Will I know Their Diet Is Balanced?

For those of us who have raised human children, we know the stress we experience when they decide they are picky and won't eat their fruits and veggies. We usually panic and our pediatricians assure us that nutrition is to be looked at over time, not in a day or a week. For our raw fed dogs, we must look at nutrition the same way. There are obviously some key differences that we must consider in dogs. Dogs are meant to eat meat, bone, and organs. They have very little need for carbohydrates. In fact, an abundance of carbohydrates in our dogs' food can cause some issues like yeast overgrowth, obesity, and GI issues.

We provide our clients with a list of whole foods like green leafy vegetables and berries that can be added to complete your dog's diet. Any fruits or vegetables added are done so at a ratio of 1% of their meal. Some people choose to add a daily supplement to ensure their pups are getting all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. We prefer whole foods instead of supplements but recognize that we all must find a solution that meets the needs of our families lifestyle. Whatever works best for you is totally fine for your pup. We can suggest some great supplements if that is the route you wish to take.

We will guide you and help you ensure you know your dog is getting what they need for nutrition.

We have done extensive research on raw feeding. We have a certification in canine nutrition and we  have a kibray of recommended reading if you are interested. 

What are the benefits of a raw dog food diet?

Food Quality-  We eliminate the heavy starch loads found in kibble (even if you feed pea protein or sweet potato protein) the process of extrusion in cooking down kibble creates extra starches which have little nutritional value and cause sugar spikes just like heavy carb load in humans. The ingredients we use are human grade. There is no processing or cooking. We know with 100% certainty what our dogs are eating.

Gut bacteria- Raw diets provide a better gut bacteria and good gut bacteria is critical to good health.

Stool- your dog absorbs more of the nutrients and has an easier time digesting their food. Their poop is MUCH smaller and far less stinky. They don’t have all the excess indigestible content.

Coat- You will notice a big difference in your pups fur/coat. They are shinier and look healthier. Most people notice a richer, darker coat after a couple months on raw food.

Taste - Your pup will be delighted with the taste. They lick their bowl clean every time and will be begging for more.

Are you licensed and insured?

We are licensed with the State of CT and fully insured.

How do I determine how much to feed ?

Raw feeding is based on the dog's weight, age, and activity level. Lactating mothers and puppies require more calcium. We will help you ensure you are feeding the correct amount for your dog.

I heard dogs can't eat bones?

The chicken bones in our recipe are not cooked. They are ground along with the chicken meat. Raw bones are not brittle and do not splinter. We use a small grind dye and the bone chunks are very small.

You can give your dog raw meaty bones. You should ALWAYS supervise your dog when you offer a raw meaty bone. We love to let our pups clean their teeth on uncooked bones.